
Ramblings, case studies and shared knowledge

Consider SEO for Your Discontinued Products

Ok, seriously – who cares about products that are no longer available / discontinued? Well, you’d be pretty surprised, actually.. It could be more than you think. In fact, by implementing this exact strategy, I’ve seen some jaw-dropping gains including...

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The Truth About noindex URLs and Google’s Search Console

So for this post I don’t have an impressive case study to reference, or a boat-load of mined data that I’ve processed to reveal something extraordinary. Put simply, this blog post materialised @ 4PM on a Tuesday after consuming at...

Read blog for WordPress – A How-To Guide

So, you’re thinking of using for your wordpress website / blog? Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide that summarises everything you need to get the prerender service up and running on your WordPress installation. Note! If you’re already up-to-speed on...

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How Kiddicare Cocked-Up Their Migration to

If you’ve kids, or have relatives/friends who do, you’ll know that Kiddicare was yet another household brand to bite the high street dust and shut up shop. 10 of their 11 UK stores received the chop in 2014. Once one...

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